Why Holding A Vision Magnetizes Great Achievement

Written by Saleem Rana

Continued from page 1

What Albert Einstein had was a vision. He was driven by an indefatigable curiosity aboutrepparttar nature ofrepparttar 122792 universe. When he was 16, he imagined what it might be like to riderepparttar 122793 waves of a light beam.

From this vision, Albert Einstein developed powerful inroads into his ability to envision things in his mind’s eye. His thought-experiments deepened in clarity and precision over many years. They reached such intensity that they accumulated into insights that answered in a most unorthodox wayrepparttar 122794 riddles of physics.

Later, when he died, it was found that he had an enormous preponderance of brain cells that most normal people did not possess.

It is my contention that just as a muscle that is constantly exercised, his brain developed extraordinary connections and fusions over a lifetime of intense usage.

Albert Einstein became a genius because he held a vision. His skills at right-brain cognition developed over many years created such a preponderance of insights that he just had to discover howrepparttar 122795 universe glued together.

In a similar way, every one of us can develop remarkable capacity in any field if we just holdrepparttar 122796 vision long enough, shun distraction, and persist in our ideal despite everything that comes our way to throw us off our chosen path.

The journey to accumulate a thousand skills begins with developingrepparttar 122797 first one. Progress comes from sustainability of vision.

You can be what you want to be if you hold it long enough and ferociously enough to overcome all obstacles. And, inrepparttar 122798 end, what you will gain will be exponentially greater thanrepparttar 122799 sum of all your efforts. It, in fact, be a true quantum leap.

Saleem Rana, M.Sc., is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. He offers a free success course at http://www.theempoweredsoul.com


Written by Laurie Hayes

Continued from page 1

I whipped up a hearty breakfast and while he ate, he repeatedly commented on how he couldn’t believe I had done this. He thanked me several times.

Once I had finished inrepparttar kitchen, I went to my room to start getting ready for work. I could hear him singing and talking to himself inrepparttar 122791 kitchen. I called out to him, “You’re happy, aren’t you?” and he answered, “My baby made me breakfast!”

It was amazing how performing a small task forrepparttar 122792 benefit of someone else made such a BIG impact! My husband was excited and happy, and I felt fantastic for making him feel appreciated and loved.

Forrepparttar 122793 remainder ofrepparttar 122794 day, I was a fireball. I joked with everyone at work and had them laughing and feeling great. The day flew by. I accomplished loads of work and had tons of energy.

When my husband got home from work, he told me about his great day, how he was zinging off one-liners atrepparttar 122795 guys and making them laugh, and how good he felt, mentally and physically.

Changing our routine and experiencing an act of kindness elevated both of us mentally, physically and emotionally. It is no secret that change and giving to others boost our energy levels, but we get so caught up in daily living that we easily forget. We fall intorepparttar 122796 comfort zone of habit.

Today is a new day. What can YOU do differently? Take a different route to work? Part your hair onrepparttar 122797 left instead of in center? Takerepparttar 122798 stairs instead ofrepparttar 122799 elevator? Whatever it is and no matter how small, change makes a positive impact.

What can YOU do for someone else today? Something completely unsolicited and without expectation. If you’re going throughrepparttar 122800 drive-thru atrepparttar 122801 coffee shop, pay forrepparttar 122802 coffee forrepparttar 122803 driver behind you. If you see someone struggling with her bags atrepparttar 122804 grocery store, lend a hand. The simplest act of kindness will reap big rewards forrepparttar 122805 giver, receiver and everyone they touch throughoutrepparttar 122806 day.

Laurie Hayes, founder of Where the Heart Is Life Coaching, is a Life Strategy Coach and author of several articles and an e-book designed to promote excitement and inspire action in others to pursue the best life has to offer. To secure a copy of her free e-book, "10 Guidelines for Attraction" visit http://www.wheretheheartis-lifecoaching.com

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